This highly-popular course will show you which of four well-paying, home-based consulting and writing opportunities are your best fit.
The supplemental income opportunities for physicians discussed allow physicians to apply their skills and training in different ways and can provide many benefits, including:
- economic security by diversifying your income streams;
- intellectual stimulation from utilizing your training and education in new and different ways; and
- interesting work which will make you a better clinician for your patients.
This concise survey course provides clinicians with an introduction to:
- niche consulting;
- writing/teaching,
- medical-legal consulting (expert witnessing and IMEs); and
- performing disability and utilization file reviews.
For each of these home-based supplemental income activities you will learn about the advantages and disadvantage of the work, what exactly physicians are expected to do, how much the work can pay, how to obtain the work, and how to excel at the work. You will leave the course with a road map to options of supplementing your clinical income through various forms of home-based consulting.
Your registration includes:
- Over 7 hours of fast-paced, on-demand, streaming instruction (1 year license) covering niche consulting, writing/teaching, file review consulting, and medical-legal consulting (expert witnessing and IMEs);
- A detailed 137 page PDF course manual;
- A printed, bound copy of the course manual (USA only);
- The ability to submit your questions to SEAK and have your questions answered in a private 15-20 minute phone call; and
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
Course Contents
The faculty is introduced, explains the goals of the course and previews the supplemental income opportunities that will be discussed in the course.
Niche Consulting
A proven way to either supplement your income or transition out of a clinical career completely is to serve as a consultant. Consulting can be well-paying, most of the work can usually be done from a home office and overhead, and start-up costs and risks are typically small. Best of all, consulting can be used to test the waters and position yourself for a new career. In this segment, attendees will be given an overview of serving as a niche consultant. Topics addressed by Steve include identifying the best consulting niches, setting (and collecting) your fee, marketing, and pleasing the client.
Writing and teaching can be personally, professionally, and financially rewarding. In this segment physicians will learn from Jim how to monetize their subject matter expertise and life experience through writing and teaching. Traditional publishing, self publishing, freelance writing and blog writing will all be discussed. Most importantly, physicians will learn why GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO PHYSICIANS WHO WRITE, i.e. how their writing can be used to land high-end consulting assignments, teaching gigs, and even full-time non-clinical jobs. Numerous case studies will be presented.
Disability and File Review Consulting
Disability and file review consulting is a growing and lucrative field. In this segment Steve will explain what file reviewers do and the specific types of matters physicians will typically be called to work on (e.g. disability reviews, utilization reviews, pre-authorizations, chart reviews, peer reviews, and medical necessity reviews). Physicians will be introduced to the marketplace for file reviews including who typically hires physicians, how to obtain this work, how much it pays, and how to excel at this work such that they can obtain repeat business.
Medical-Legal Consulting
In this segment the attendees will be introduced by Jim to the opportunities available serving as an expert witness and/or independent medical examiner. Physicians who serve as expert witnesses typically bill themselves out at $500+ per hour. In this segment attendees will learn what expert witnesses and IME examiners do, what they don’t do (including the debunking of some common misconceptions about expert witnessing), which clinicians are best positioned to perform this work, the advantages and drawbacks associated with medical-legal work (it is definitely not for everyone), and what they would need to do to start serving as an expert witness.
The faculty will present the "secret sauce" for successfully supplementing ones clinical income, namely, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY.
Question Submission & Individual Attention
Attendees are provided with a form to submit a list of questions to SEAK's faculty. Steve or Jim will review these questions and then schedule a 15-20 minute phone call to answer these questions and any follow-up questions the attendee may have.
Course Curriculum
Steven Babitsky, Esq., is a former trial lawyer who has trained thousands of physicians. He is an expert on consulting. Steve is the creator of and trainer for SEAK’s highly acclaimed income supplementation training courses for physicians How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful Consulting Practice and How to Start, Build, and Run a Successful Disability and File Review Practice. Steve is himself a highly sought after consultant in the fields of negotiation, expert witness preparation and expert witness practice management and development. In addition, Steve is the co-creator of SEAK’s National Directory of Medical File Review Consultants ( – which lists over 500 physicians who perform file reviews.
James J. Mangraviti, Jr., Esq. is the co-author of 31 non-fiction books whose cumulative sales have totaled several million dollars. Jim’s books have been published by major publishers such as St. Martins, Aspen, Wiley, and Wolters Kluwer as well being self-published through SEAK, Inc. Jim is also a prolific teacher. He has designed and taught well over 200 continuing education courses for physicians, engineers, accountants, and other professionals. Jim is an expert on expert witnessing. He is a co-founder of SEAK’s National Directory of Expert Witnesses ( and has trained thousands of expert witnesses. Jim designed and teaches SEAK’s highly acclaimed course How to Start, Build and Run a Successful Expert Witness Practice. Jim also maintains an active consulting practice where he works primarily with expert witnesses. Jim can be contacted at 978-276-1234 or [email protected]
Some Advantages of Being a Physician Consultant
How to Succeed as a File Review Consultant
Supplementing Your Clinical Income Through Writing: Good Things Happen to Physicians Who Write
What Past Participants Have Said About This Course:
“Another excellent seminar. It gave a great overview of different areas”
“Both speakers were engaging and well spoken. Learned about a variety of opportunities”
“Enjoyed the style of presentation. Was refreshing to have speakers that didn’t need PowerPoint to communicate their information.“
“Enlightening and stimulating.”
“Excellent experience, interactive and informative”
“Excellent introduction to options with practical suggestions”
“Excellent presentations! Informative, engaging and entertaining!”
“Excellent presenters with good sense of humor.”
“Eye opening, promising options, hopeful solutions for me”
“Good overall introduction to these four types of work”
“Good overview of the options presented and the requirement/training recommended to pursue them” “Both speakers were engaging and well spoken. Learned about a variety of opportunities”
“Great job, as SEAK always does”
“Great to understand more opportunities available to me and great for brainstorming”
“Innovative way to help us docs take off our blinders and dare to look outside our silos.”
“It’s been a long time since I’ve learned so much at a meeting!”
“That was another excellent seminar. It gave a great overview of different areas”
“The materials presented were useful and of top-notch quality.”
“Very eye opening”
“Very informative. Great ideas for supplemental income.”
“Very informative.”
“Very interesting”
“Well done”
“Wonderful sampler of what is out there and feasible”
“You both know what you’re talking about. Was a little leery about lawyers helping doctors transition to nonclinical jobs”
“Another excellent seminar. It gave a great overview of different areas”
“A beneficial overview of options for physicians, without being specialty-specific.”
“Excellent, nothing superfluous, Information is all relevant & specific.”
“I was impressed by the amount of information and opportunities available.”
“Professional, well run, informative.”
“Very informative, eye opening. A lot of great information that will help me make a good transition.”
“Very motivating. I now know and will have access to file review so can start learning additional income by Thanksgiving or Christmas.”
“Well designed, engaging and delivered.”
“Well done, very enjoyable but [also] informative.”
“Great presenters! They were very entertaining and informative.”
“Really good presentation.”
Other Supplemental Income Courses Available from SEAK
Contact SEAK, Inc.: 508-457-1111 [email protected] PO Box 729 Falmouth, MA 02541